Tips On Tweaking Your Homeschool Curriculum To Suit Your Child

For some, this can be a great thing as everything is working evenly as you have arranged to stay caught up on lesson plans as well as grading. But others might start to second-guess their choice of homeschooling. It is plenty of work and nobody wants to enjoy it. If this is describing you, then it can be a thing of curriculum selection. The choosing of a curriculum can make or destroy our experience of homeschooling. 


If you doubt that your social-emotional homeschool curriculum might not be suitable for your child, then here is what you can do about it:


Tips on Tweaking Your Homeschool Curriculum To Suit Your Child


Despite your homeschool curriculum selections or homeschooling style, you are free on reworking the curriculum you are using so that it is able to better suit your child. This is particularly great in the situation of a curriculum designed for classroom usage. Also if you have bought a "homeschool version" of a curriculum, if it was originally intended for the classroom, chances are great the only thing they have changed is the nouns. 

You should not remain dedicated to the curriculum by preparing everything that is mentioned for you to do in the teacher's guide. Normally it is quite a lot to do and it will be a very overwhelming experience for you. And it is true that also classroom teachers avoid most of the scripted pieces of a lesson plan.

 You should skip those parts and should just get right on the meat of every lesson. You need to look over the purposes of the lesson and then decide what the main goal is for all the lessons. After this, you should browse the guided lesson plans and pay attention to the parts you are supposed to pay. If you realize that it is too much for 1 day, then you should go for it. If this appears like busy activity or just a waste of your time, then you should directly jump to the sections that work best for you and the portions focusing directly on the goals.




By applying these tips, you will be able to cut out a great chunk of the proposed lesson time. It is good if the lesson is intended for taking 45 minutes and you find out that you and your child is done only in about 10 minutes. The virtue of working with just one or two kids is the fact that you are able to have a lot more achieved in a very less period of time.


Allowing the Usage of Assistive Technology

 Despite requiring children to handwrite their work and in order to tweak the social-emotional homeschool curriculum, you should teach them typing skills so they will be able to take advantage of word processing software. This would enable them to get their opinions on the paper instantly. You can also buy speech-to-text software like Dragon Naturally Speaking. An online dictionary and thesaurus can also be useful as most words will be pronounced so that your child can learn how it’s pronounced.

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